Patriots for America

We are a diverse community of Patriot’s that love our Country

We fight to defend everyone’s Constitutional rights while helping protect our borders and working together with law enforcement to rescue minors and children from sex trafficking.

“The only thing for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing”

-Edmund Burke


Help support PFA members with their mission to protect the Texas Border!

Some of our members have left their jobs and families to provide protection and support for families and law enforcement dealing with the overwhelming impact of crime and danger happening at our Southern Border due to the current “Open Border Policy”. Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe anticipates the need for help for an additional 3 years.


Our Organization

Learn more about Patriot’s For America and our mission to:

  • Defend our families and communities from domestic terrorism

  • Protect our country and it’s borders

  • Rescue children and minors from sex trafficking

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or stand with us in the field to make the difference this country and our children deserve